Hernando County Zoning Codes

Establishment of zoning districts.

A. Zoning district designation: The unincorporated area of Hernando County, Florida, is divided into the following zoning districts, as shown on the "Official Zoning District Map, Hernando County, Florida," and these zoning districts are designated, as follows: 
(1) R-1A Residential District: This district is designed primarily to permit the continued development of established residential areas which include a mixture of conventional single-family dwellings and mobile homes and is, therefore, not intended to be utilized extensively for future development.
(2) R-1B Residential District: This district is designed to protect medium-density, single-family development and is intended to be the district most utilized for regulating single-family development located within, or adjacent to, urbanizing areas within the county.
(3) R-1C Residential District: This district is designed to encourage and protect low-density, single-family development and is intended to be the district most utilized for regulating future single-family development within the county. 
(4) R-2.5 Residential District: This district is designed to encourage and protect low-density, single-family development at a maximum density of two and one-half (2 1/2) units per acre. The district is designed primarily for new development and is not intended for extensive use in established neighborhoods. Any request for this district within an established neighborhood shall be by petition of owners of sixty-six (66) percent or more of the area proposed to be rezoned. In established neighborhoods, the minimum land area necessary for consideration of a zoning amendment petition to this district shall be an entire subdivision, subdivision unit or subdivision tract or at least ten (10) acres in size. 
(5) RM Residential Mobile Home District: This district is designed to allow the development of low-density mobile home subdivisions. 
(6) R-2 Residential District: This district is designed to permit medium-density residential development consisting of both single-family and two-family dwellings. 
(7) R-3 Residential District: This district is designed to permit higher-density single-lot principal building residential development consisting of both single-family and multifamily dwellings. 
(8) R-4 Residential District: This district is designed to permit higher-density single-lot principal building residential development consisting of both single family and multifamily dwellings. 
(9) A/R Agricultural/Residential District: This district is designed to allow the utilization of tracts of land for single-family dwellings while preserving the open character of the land. This zoning district is designed for use in areas which, by virtue of their location, physical characteristics and/or relationship to other land use areas, should be developed carefully and at a low-density to maintain their overall character within the county. 
(10) A/R-1 Agricultural/Residential District: This district is designed to allow the utilization of land for single-family mobile home dwellings while preserving the open character of the land. This zoning district is designed for use in areas which, by virtue of their location, physical characteristics, and/or relationship to other land use areas, should be developed carefully and at a low-density to maintain their overall character within the county. 
(11) A/R-2 Agricultural/Residential Districts: This district is designed to allow the continued development of low-density, single-family housing, characterized by an established mixture of both conventional single-family dwellings and mobile homes. The A/R-2 district is not to be utilized for future development. 
(12) County 2.5 District: This district is intended to apply to an area of low-density residential uses in a semirural environment, permitting residential activities and limited agricultural activities while preserving the open character of the land. 
(13) AG Agricultural District: This district is designed to promote and encourage the conservation and utilization of prime and productive agricultural land, as well as the preservation of the open character of certain land, which, by virtue of their topography, soil types, natural resources and/or relationship to other land use areas, should be carefully reviewed and evaluated prior to their possible development or else should continue to be developed at a relatively low-density to maintain their overall natural environment and uniquecharacter with the county. 
(14) R-1-MH Residential Single-Family Manufactured Housing District: This district is designed to permit development of low-density, modular-manufactured housing units to accommodate this changing industry and is, therefore, not intended to be utilized extensively for future development. 
(15) C-1 General Commercial District: This district is predominately designed to serve the general retail shopping needs of a community or area with uses to include convenience goods, shopping goods, personal services and limited institutional uses. 
(16) C-2 Highway Commercial District: This district is designed to permit the development of commercial areas at appropriate locations on major highways and is intended to meet the needs of motorists and other consumers through the provision of automobile-oriented service activities and other heavier commercial activities, in addition to those allowable in the C-1 district, located in a desirable grouping rather than in a strip or linear fashion along the highway. 
(17) C-3 Neighborhood Commercial District: This district is designed to permit the development of local small scale commercial areas which are properly located in regard to both adjacent streets and surrounding residential areas and intended to serve local neighborhood needs through the provision of easily accessible convenience goods and personal services. 
(18) C-4 Heavy Highway Commercial District: This district is designed to permit the development of heavy commercial areas at appropriate locations on major highways to minimize land use conflicts by providing desirable clusters or groupings of heavy commercial uses in appropriate areas rather than scattered in a strip or linear fashion along highways. 
(19) A-C Agricultural Commercial District: This district is intended to permit the development of properly located, limited and specialized commercial areas intended to serve the needs of neighboring rural and agricultural areas. 
(20) OP Office-Professional District: The district is intended to permit the development of administrative and professional offices, and other related low-profile, low-density land uses. 
(21) R-C Recreational Commercial District: This district is designed to permit the development of recreational vehicle/travel trailer park areas at appropriate locations on major highways, providing for limited occupancy on a temporary or seasonal basis not to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days. 
(22) I-1 Industrial District: This district is designed to encourage and promote the development of a coordinated and related industrial complex in a general area that is large enough to meet the needs of several types and varieties of industrial activities. 
(23) PDP Planned Development Project District: This district is designed to encompass an area that is to be developed as an integral and planned complex of structures and uses other than through the conventional principal building-single lot development approach, and is intended to be the district most used as a means of providing for land the changes and amendment of the zoning district map, especially in regard to the agricultural zoning districts. 
(24) CM-1 Marine Commercial District: The purpose and intent of the CM-1 district is to permit the designation of suitable locations for and to ensure the proper development and use of land and adjacent waters for commercial marinas and other uses incidental to such facilities. The principal uses of land at these locations shall be limited to waterfront dependent uses required for the support of recreational boating and fishing. The principal criterion for designating such locations, and regulating the development and use thereof, shall be minimizing or eliminating adverse impact on the natural environment. 
(25) CM-2 Heavy Marine Commercial District: The purpose and intent of the CM-2 district is to permit the designation of suitable locations for and to ensure the proper development and use of land and adjacent waters for commercial marinas and commercial fishing establishments. Such uses are more intense than those normally encountered in a recreational marina, yet far short of the intensity of use represented by the storage and commodity handling facilities and equipment attendant to the waterborne commerce movement facilities that are normally associated with seaports. The heavy marine commercial district is intended to accommodate such uses as boat and engine maintenance and repair and landing, icing and shipping of fish and seafood. 
(26) CV Conservation District: This district is designed to retain and preserve public and quasipublic lands designated for conservation containing vital resources to the county, such as state forests, wetlands, riverine protection zones, wildlife and marine habitat. Privately owned isolated uplands in the Coastal Zone which have been designated for conservation on the county Comprehensive Plan may also be included in this designation. 
(27) PSF Public Service Facility Overlay District: The Public Service Facility Overlay District is an additional designation created for placement over a property or portion thereof which allows governmental uses and structures and public service uses and structures. The Public Service Overlay District may be placed over any zoning district after review, in accordance with the rezoning process. All development within the Public Service Facility Overlay District must meet, at a minimum, the dimension and area regulations of the underlying zoning district. These standards may be increased by the board of county commissioners to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Hernando County. 
(28) M Mining District: This district is designed to provide a means for extraction of natural resources in the general area where they are found. 
(29) Resort Overlay District: The Resort Overlay District is an additional designation created for placement over a property or portion thereof which allows resort residential uses. The Resort Overlay District may be placed over any Residential, Rural or Conservation zoning district after review, in accordance with the rezoning process. All development within the Resort Overlay District must meet, at a minimum, the dimension and area regulations of the underlying zoning district. These standards may be increased by the board county commissioners to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Hernando County. 
(30) I-2 Heavy Industrial District: The purpose of the I-2 Heavy Industrial District is to provide areas for the establishment of heavy industrial uses necessary for the development of a sound and diversified economic base. Heavy industrial uses should be compatible within the overall area in which they are located. 
B. Interpretation of zoning district boundaries: The following rules shall be used to interpret the exact location of the zoning district boundaries shown on the zoning map: 
(1) Where a zoning district boundary follows a street or railroad, the center line of the street or railroad right-of-way is the boundary of the zoning district.
(2) Where a zoning district boundary approximately follows a lot or property line, that line is the boundary of the zoning district.
(3) Where a zoning district boundary follows a stream or the shore of a body of water, other than the Gulf of Mexico, the center of the stream, canal, creek or lake shall be the boundary of the zoning district. If the zoning district abuts the Gulf of Mexico, the boundary of the zoning district shall extend to the mean low tide water mark.
(4) Where a zoning district boundary does not clearly follow any of the features mentioned above, its exact location on the ground shall be determined by measurement according to map scale.
(5) In any case the exact location of a zoning district boundary is not clear, the administrative official shall appeal to the board for an interpretation and administrative decision.
C. Areas unassigned to a zoning district: In case any area within the unincorporated area of Hernando County, Florida, is not included within a designated zoning district, the commission shall initiate the zoning amendment procedure within thirty (30) days after notification of such fact in order to assign such area to a zoning district. Zoning permits shall not be issued for such area until it is assigned to a zoning district. 
Section 2. Residential districts. The following regulations shall apply in the residential districts as indicated:
A. R-1A Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Mobile homes.
(c) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be six thousand (6,000) square feet.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be sixty (60) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet, except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories.
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the Board of County Commissioners.
(j) Accessory structures: 
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Noncommercial piers and boathouses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with County regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
(k) Special regulations:
i. No mobile home shall have a length or width dimension of less than twelve (12) feet, not including popouts and attachments. Also, no mobile home shall be permitted to be attached or detached in a manner that would be inconsistent with the original manufacturer's design standards.
ii. All mobile homes must be skirted within thirty (30) days from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The skirting shall constitute a visual screen of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material normally used for mobile home skirting and be placed around the entire perimeter of the mobile home and extending from the base of the mobile home to the ground.
iii. Applicants applying for a building permit to place a used mobile home shall either provide proof of a current and valid inspection by the Department of Motor Vehicles or be inspected by the Hernando County Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit to set the mobile home. The inspection will be conducted by the building division and is designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare. The inspection will be conducted in areas of fire safety, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and overall construction of the mobile home.
iv. If the inspection of the mobile home determines that the unit is not repairable, no building permit shall be issued.
v. No applicant applying to place a mobile home shall perform any repair work or commence set up of the mobile home until a building permit has been secured.
vi. Any deficiencies noted in the inspection report shall be corrected prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
vii. Standards for used mobile home inspections will be adopted by resolution of the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners and will be consistent with state standards regulating used mobile homes.
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
B. R-1B Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet. 
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. 
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet. 
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet. 
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent dead-end streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet. 
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches, or terraces. 
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area. 
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet, and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories. 
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the board of county commissioners.
(j) [Minimum standards for similarity in exterior appearance:] All proposed single-family dwellings or manufactured buildings shall meet the minimum standards for determination of similarity in exterior appearance for single-family homes and manufactured buildings as provided for in Article II, General Regulations, Section 2, General Regulations for Structures and Uses, (G) Standards for Determination of Similarity in Exterior Appearance for Single-Family Homes and Manufactured Buildings. 
(k) Accessory buildings and structures: 
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Non-commercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have pervious or impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear and side yard and must be at least five (5) feet from rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
vii. Accessory buildings or structures five (5) feet or less in height, and smaller than forty (40) square feet in size shall not be required to obtain a zoning permit. Such buildings or structures are allowed in the side and rear yards only and must meet the minimum yard requirements for accessory buildings in the district.
viii. Except as provided in subparagraph ix. hereof, no more than one detached building shall be allowed on a parcel. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in size must meet the following:
a. The length of the detached accessory building shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width.
b. The detached accessory building shall either be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas; or, the detached accessory building shall be skirted with a visual screening of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material placed around the entire perimeter of the detached accessory building extending from the base to the ground.
c. All other applicable standards relating to accessory building shall be met.
d. The detached accessory building shall be no more than four hundred (400) square feet in size.
ix. One detached garage, in addition to the detached building provided for in item viii. above, is allowed meeting the following criteria:
a. The detached garage is site built; and,
b. Has a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet × twenty (20) feet; and,
c. The length of the detached garage shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width; and,
d. Has a minimum roof pitch of 3 on 12; and,
e. Has roof materials of either shingles or tile; and,
f. Has either lap siding, brick veneer, concrete block or stucco exterior walls; and,
g. The detached garage shall be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas.
x. There are no minimum yard standards for wellhouses as defined in this ordinance.
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
C. R-1C Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet. 
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. 
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet. 
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet. 
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent dead-end streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet. 
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches, or terraces. 
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area. 
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet, and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories. 
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the board of county commissioners.
(j) [Minimum standards for similarity in exterior appearance:] All proposed single-family dwellings or manufactured buildings shall meet the minimum standards for determination of similarity in exterior appearance for single-family homes and manufactured buildings as provided for in Article II, General Regulations, Section 2, General Regulations for Structures and Uses, (G) Standards for Determination of Similarity in Exterior Appearance for Single-Family Homes and Manufactured Buildings. 
(k) Accessory buildings and structures: 
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side lot lines.
ii. Non-commercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have pervious or impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
vii. Accessory buildings or structures five (5) feet or less in height, and smaller than forty (40) square feet in size shall not be required to obtain a zoning permit. Such buildings or structures are allowed in the side and rear yards only and must meet the minimum yard requirements for accessory buildings in the district.
viii. Except as provided in subparagraph ix. hereof, no more than one detached building shall be allowed on a parcel. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in size must meet the following:
a. The length of the detached accessory building shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width.
b. The detached accessory building shall either be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas; or, the detached accessory building shall be skirted with a visual screening of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material placed around the entire perimeter of the detached accessory building extending from the base to the ground.
c. All other applicable standards relating to accessory building shall be met.
d. The detached accessory building shall be no more than four hundred (400) square feet in size.
ix. One detached garage, in addition to the detached building provided for in item viii. above, is allowed meeting the following criteria:
a. The detached garage is site built; and,
b. Has a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet × twenty (20) feet; and,
c. The length of the detached garage shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width; and,
d. Has a minimum roof pitch of 3 on 12; and,
e. Has roof materials of either shingles or tile; and,
f. Has either lap siding, brick veneer, concrete block or stucco exterior walls; and,
g. The detached garage shall be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas.
x. There are no minimum yard standards for wellhouses as defined in this ordinance.
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
D. R-2.5 Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be thirteen thousand (13,000) square feet for any lot created after the effective date of the resolution rezoning the area to the R-2.5 District. 
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet. 
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet. 
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet. 
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet. 
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent dead-end streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet. 
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches, or terraces. 
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area. 
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet, and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories. 
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the board of county commissioners.
(j) [Minimum standards for similarity in exterior appearance:] All proposed single family dwellings or manufactured buildings shall meet the minimum standards for determination of similarity in exterior appearance for single family homes and manufactured buildings as provided for in Article II, General Regulations, Section 2, General Regulations for Structures and Uses, (G) Standards for Determination of Similarity in Exterior Appearance for Single Family Homes and Manufactured Buildings. 
(k) Accessory structures and buildings: 
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iii. On lots that abut golf courses, detached accessory buildings are not permitted in the rear yard. Screened swimming pool enclosures shall meet the rear yard requirement for principal buildings.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have pervious or impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
vii. Accessory buildings or structures five (5) feet or less in height, and smaller than forty (40) square feet in size shall not be required to obtain a zoning permit. Such buildings or structures are allowed in the side and rear yards only and must meet the minimum yard requirements for accessory buildings in the district.
viii. On lots that abut rivers and lakes, screened swimming pool enclosures and accessory buildings, except boat houses, shall meet the rear yard requirement for principal buildings.
ix. Non-commercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways except where required by other regulatory standards.
x. On lots that abut golf courses, rivers, or lakes, the maximum height for fences located in the rear yard, other than chain link fences, shall be four (4) feet. For chain link fences located in the rear yard, the maximum height shall be six (6) feet. All fences located in the rear yard shall be constructed so as not to impair sight lines.
xi. Except as provided in subparagraph xii. hereof, no more than one detached building shall be allowed on a parcel. Any detached accessory building exceeding two hundred (200) square feet in size must meet the following:
a. The length of the detached accessory building shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width.
b. The detached accessory building shall either be placed on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas; or, the detached accessory building shall be skirted with a visual screening of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material placed around the entire perimeter ofthe detached accessory building extending from the base to the ground.
c. All other applicable standards relating to accessory building shall be met.
d. The detached accessory building shall be no more than four hundred (400) square feet in size.
xii. One detached garage, in addition to the detached building provided for in item xi. above, is allowed meeting the following criteria:
a. The detached garage is site built; and,
b. Has a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet × twenty (20) feet; and,
c. The length of the detached garage shall be no more than twice the measurement of the width; and,
d. Has a minimum roof pitch of 3 on 12; and,
e. Has roof materials of either shingles or tile; and,
f. Has either lap siding, brick veneer, concrete block or stucco exterior walls; and,
g. The detached garage shall be on a permanent foundation consisting of either a stem wall with continuous footing, a monolithic slab, or permanent foundation designed to meet the criteria of the flood regulations in flood prone areas.
xiii. There are no minimum yard standards for wellhouses as defined in this ordinance.
(l) Vehicle parking and storage: 
i. Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or less which are built for or which have received major modifications to the chassis or body for business purposes shall not be parked on any lot within the district unless the vehicle is stored in an enclosed building or in an area so that the vehicle is not visible from streets or other properties. Examples of regulated vehicles include but are not limited to: box vans, tank trucks, buses, wreckers, or dump bodies.
(m) Special regulations: 
i. On lots that abut golf courses, recreational vehicles, boats and similar items shall be stored only in the side yard or in an enclosed building. If stored in the side yard the unit must be at least five (5) feet from the side lot line.
ii. Visitors may temporarily park a recreational vehicle in an area not meeting the standard contained in item i. for a maximum cumulative time period of three (3) days within any ninety-day period.
iii. No business activity shall be allowed which involves the pick up and delivery of materials, other than those small businesses traditionally operated from a residence such as cosmetics, home care products, book keeping services, seamstress, or other such businesses conducted solely within the residence without external signage or activities.
iv. No business activity shall be allowed which involves the manufacturing of any product.
v. All tools, maintenance equipment, and similar devices associated with any business entity shall be stored in an enclosed building or an area so that the equipment is not visible from streets or other properties.
(n) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
E. RM Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Mobile homes.
(b) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area: The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet, except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area of dwelling shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories.
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the Board of County Commissioners.
(j) Accessory structures:
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Noncommercial piers and boathouses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures and permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
(k) Special regulations:
i. No mobile home shall have a length or width dimension of less than twelve (12) feet, not including popouts and attachments. Also, no mobile home shall be permitted to be attached or detached in a manner that would be inconsistent with the original manufacturer's design standards.
ii. All mobile homes must be skirted within thirty (30) days from the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The skirting shall constitute a visual screen of new material, or material in acceptable condition, consisting of aluminum, pressure-treated wood, masonry or other acceptable material normally used for mobile home skirting and be placed around the entire perimeter of the mobile home and extending from the base of the mobile home to the ground.
iii. Applicants applying for a building permit to place a used mobile home shall either provide proof of a current and valid inspection by the Department of Motor Vehicles or be inspected by the Hernando County Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit to set the mobile home. The inspection will be conducted by the building division and is designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare. The inspection will be conducted in areas of fire safety, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and overall construction of the mobile home.
iv. If the inspection of the mobile home determines that the unit is not repairable, no building permit shall be issued.
v. No applicant applying to place a mobile home shall perform any repair work or commence set up of the mobile home until a building permit has been secured.
vi. Any deficiencies noted in the inspection report shall be corrected prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
vii. Standards for used mobile home inspections will be adopted by resolution of the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners and will be consistent with state standards regulating used mobile homes.
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
F. R-2 Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Two-family dwellings.
(c) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code..
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area:
i. The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for single-family dwellings.
ii. The minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for two-family dwellings.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches, or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area of dwelling shall be thirty-five (35) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height of a building shall be thirty-five (35) feet, and/or two and one-half (2 1/2) stories.
For buildings located in the V-zone as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the maximum building height allowed shall be thirty-eight (38) feet. Any exceedance would require a variance from the Board of County Commissioners.
(j) Accessory structures:
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Noncommercial piers and boathouses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures and permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
(k) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
G. R-3 Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses: 
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Two-family dwellings.
(c) Multifamily dwellings.
(d) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(e) Clubhouses in association with a multifamily development.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation. 
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Boardinghouses.
(d) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area:
i. The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for single-family dwellings.
ii. The minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for two-family dwellings.
iii. For multifamily dwellings (containing three (3) or more dwelling units), the minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet plus three thousand (3,000) square feet for each additional dwelling unit over the first two (2) dwelling units.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet, except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be forty-five (45) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height is forty-five (45) feet and/or three (3) stories. No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in the R-3 district unless one foot shall be added to the required front and side yards for each foot of building height over forty-five (45) feet in addition to the general yard requirements for the zoning district.
(j) Accessory structures:
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Noncommercial piers and boathouses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into conformance with county regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
(k) Maximum number of multifamily dwelling units per building: Twelve (12).
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
H. R-4 Residential District. 
(1) Permitted uses:
(a) Single-family dwellings.
(b) Two-family dwellings.
(c) Multifamily dwellings.
(d) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(e) Clubhouses in association with a multifamily development.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses:
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses:
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodging houses.
(c) Boarding houses.
(d) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district:
(a) Minimum lot area:
i. The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for single family dwellings.
ii. The minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for two-family dwellings.
iii. For multifamily dwellings (containing three (3) or more dwelling units) the minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet plus three thousand (3,000) square feet for each additional dwelling unit over the first two (2) dwelling units.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original Land Use Regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent dead-end streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches, or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be forty-five (45) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height is forty-five (45) feet and/or three (3) stories. No building shall exceed three (3) stories, or forty-five (45) feet in the R-3 district unless one foot shall be added to the required front and side yards for each foot of building height over forty-five (45) feet in addition to the general yard requirements for the zoning district.
(j) Accessory structures:
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Non-commercial piers and boat houses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
(k) Maximum number of multifamily dwelling units per building: Twelve (12).
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
I. R-R Residential District: 
(1) Permitted uses:
(a) Resort dwellings.
(b) Single-family dwellings.
(c) Two-family dwellings.
(d) Multifamily dwellings containing up to twelve (12) dwelling units.
(e) Bed and breakfast establishments.
(f) Homes of six or fewer residents which meet the definition of a Community residential home as defined by State law and which otherwise satisfies the requirements of this zoning code.
(2) Permitted accessory structures and uses: 
(a) Carport, garage or other buildings not used as a dwelling and customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(b) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal use of the premises.
(3) Special exception uses: 
(a) Home occupation.
(b) Lodginghouses.
(c) Boardinghouses.
(d) Community centers.
(e) Clubhouses.
(f) Gift shops.
(g) Recreational facilities.
(h) Rental stores.
(i) Restaurants.
(4) Dimension and area regulations. The following dimension and area regulations shall apply in the district: 
(a) Minimum lot area:
i. The minimum lot area shall be seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet for single-family dwellings.
ii. The minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for two-family dwellings.
iii. For multifamily dwellings (containing three (3) or more dwelling units), the minimum lot area shall be twelve thousand (12,000) square feet plus three thousand (3,000) square feet for each additional dwelling unit over the first two (2) dwelling units.
(b) Minimum lot width at building line: The minimum lot width at building line shall be seventy-five (75) feet.
(c) Minimum front yard requirements: The minimum front yard requirement shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the front yard shall be twenty (20) feet.
Along U.S. 19, S.R. 50, U.S. 41, U.S. 98, U.S. 301, C.R. 578, C.R. 485 and C.R. 50 front yard requirements shall be one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, except the area between U.S. 19 and Oak Lake Drive on C.R. 578 where the front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(d) Minimum side yard requirement: The minimum side yard requirement shall be ten (10) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and do not meet the requirement for lot width at the building line, the side setback shall be seven (7) feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard requirements: The minimum rear yard requirement shall be twenty (20) feet. Where lots are created prior to the adoption of the original land use regulations, Ordinance No. 72-3, and the lots front on a street with a waterway to the rear, the rear yard requirement shall be fifteen (15) feet.
(f) Minimum street frontage: The minimum street frontage shall be fifty (50) feet, except those lots which front on the turnarounds of permanent deadend streets shall be permitted to front on such turnarounds for a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet.
(g) Minimum living area: The minimum living area of a dwelling shall be six hundred (600) square feet. For the purposes of this subsection, "minimum living area" shall mean the minimum floor area of a dwelling unit exclusive of carports, breezeways, unenclosed porches or terraces.
(h) Maximum building area: The maximum building area shall be forty-five (45) percent of the lot area.
(i) Maximum building height: The maximum building height is forty-five (45) feet and/or three (3) stories. No building shall exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet in the R-R district unless one foot shall be added to the required front and side yards for each foot of building height over forty-five (45) feet in addition to the general yard requirements for the zoning district.
(j) Accessory structures:
i. Accessory buildings are permitted only in side and rear yards. Such accessory buildings shall be at least five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines.
ii. Noncommercial piers and boathouses are permitted in the side and rear yard, provided the structure is at least five (5) feet from side property lines. No setback is required from lot lines adjoining waterways.
iii. Swimming pools and screened swimming pool enclosures are permitted only in the side or rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from side and rear property lines.
iv. Attached carports shall meet the principal building yard requirements of the district.
v. Detached accessory structures which have impervious roof coverings shall be permitted only in the side and rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the side and rear property lines.
vi. Detached accessory structures which have a fabric or screen roof shall be permitted only in the rear yard and must be at least five (5) feet from the rear property lines. A detached accessory structure which has a fabric or screen roof and is rendered nonconforming by the adoption of this Ordinance shall be brought into conformance with County regulations by January 1, 2000 or be removed.
(k) Special regulations: To reduce conflicts with existing or future residential districts and resort residential districts, the following regulations shall apply:
i. All structures in R-R districts shall be on a central sewer system.
ii. There shall be no access points from a R-R district to an adjacent residential district.
iii. R-R districts shall provide and maintain a minimum setback for all structures of thirty-five (35) feet for side and rear yards that are adjacent to a residential district. The outermost portion of the required thirty-five-foot setback bordering the parcel and adjacent to the residential district shall consist of a five-foot landscaped separation strip. The resort usage of such a lot shall be permanently screened from the adjacent residential properties by a wall, fence, evergreen hedge and/or other approvedenclosures. Such screening shall be located within the required separation strip and shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet and a maximum height of eight (8) feet.
iv. The operation of a resort dwelling in addition to being located in an R-R district is further defined as a commercial operation wherein the owner, or any agent or manager acting on behalf of the owner, is required to obtain an occupational license within Hernando County. Any use of property prior to the effective date of this ordinance [Ordinance No. 91-31] as a resort dwelling constitutes a commercial use of property and any such use within a noncommercial zoning district constitutes a zoning violation.
(l) A portable storage structure not to exceed 160 square feet in size is allowable in conjunction with the residential use of a property when the storage structure is associated with remodeling, other construction, or moving. Such portable storage structure shall be allowable for a period not to exceed 30 days except when used in conjunction with a building permit issued for remodeling or other construction. In these cases, the portable storage structure is allowable for a period to correspond with the building permit.
* This site is for reference only.
Visit http://www.co.hernando.fl.us/ for more details.


Chris Frantz
Exit Success Realty
13111 Spring Hill Dr
Spring Hill, FL 34609
Hernando County
352.~686.~2222 Office
352.~442.~3158 Cell

Exit Success Realty